“What is behind the Ferrari Friday social media posts?”
“Why do you guys love the color red so much?”
“What is the reason you guys love Ferrari’s so much?”
These are some of the questions that we often get in regards to our social media presence and our website. Our fascination with Ferrari goes well beyond the fact that it is the premier supercar in this very special industry.
“When the planning was taking place to formulate the vision, the reason, and the look for DCI Solution, it was clear that we would be dealing in the specialty vehicle market,” states Darren DiMaria, Co-founder and Chief Client Officer. “And because of this market, it demands precision and accuracy. Likewise, the insurance claims industry demands speed. And finally, we knew that in order to set us apart from the competition, we had to be special and unique. In automotive terms, we could not be like the mass-production, big 3, behemoths. We would have to provide a personal hands-on approach with complete focus on taking care of the customer.“
Who best represents precision, accuracy, speed, and uniqueness in the specialty automotive marketplace? Ferrari. That is why we have chosen to model ourselves after such a titan of the specialty vehicle industry. These qualities make up our vision for specialty valuations; precision, accuracy, speed, and uniqueness.