Diminished Value Appraisals

Diminished Value is the decrease in market value as it relates to a vehicle that has experienced a collision. There are three classifications or types of Diminished Value:
- Immediate: The decrease in value immediately following a collision. Although you cannot calculate this immediately, once there is an impact, there is a decrease in value.
Repair-Related: A decrease in value occurs when a vehicle isn’t repaired/returned to its pre-collision condition.
Inherent: After a collision, a vehicle has a damage history. This could cause a decrease in market value. This is assuming that the repaired vehicle is now in pre-loss condition.
DCI Solution’s Diminished Value Appraisal determines the Inherent Diminished Value. This diminished value is the most common and widely-used form as related to insurance claims.
What is Diminished Value?

How We Determine Diminished Value
Our Diminished Value Appraisal process is accepted nationwide. Each claim is handled by a specially trained Valuation Specialist.
4. Deliver Valu-Rite® Report
When it’s all said and done, you will receive an easy-to-read Valu-Rite Report from DCI Solution. This report will clearly show what diminished value there is and how we got to that number.
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