Shop Talk Blog

Boyd Says Repairable Claims Decline Continues and Could Remain in Q3

Boyd Group CEO Tim O’Day recently told investors a decline in repairable vehicles, increased use of alternative parts, in-house scanning and calibrations, and labor rate increases during Q2 added to sales and gross profit despite margins remaining below historical...

Scaling Electric Trucks: NACFE Reveals Key Findings on Cost, Infrastructure

While battery-electric commercial vehicles from vans to heavy-duty tractors are on the road today and perform well in many duty cycles, in order for the trucking industry to scale electric trucks in operations, there are areas that must be addressed, according to the...

Progressive to Pay $48M to New York Drivers Over Underpaid Total Loss Claims

Progressive Insurance has agreed to a $48 million settlement with a class of 93,000 New York policyholders who claim the insurer underpaid their total loss claims on their vehicles. The $48 million represents approximately 54% of the compensatory damages alleged by...

More Fleets Making ADAS Tech Mandatory

OEMs are responding to fleet manager requests to migrate more vehicle safety technology previously only available in upscale models to vehicles typically ordered by fleets. Increasingly, advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) in cars and trucks are being specified...

Ferrari Friday: The Art of Starting Up a Ferrari GTO

  Warming up the engine, also breaking it in, are now forgotten activities. Yet, they constituted – and still do – a magical ritual for the fans. They were necessary preparations and made the whole experience better. Those who love cars love them deeply, with all...

‘Rightsized’ Connected Fleet Truck Concepts Fit Urban Needs

Panasonic, in collaboration with Tropos Motors, revealed two multi-technology, production-ready compact utility commercial vehicles. The rightsized, connected fleet truck concepts are powered by Panasonic's proprietary software and cloud services platform OneConnect....

DCI Solution Now Partnered With AdjustRite®

January 1, 2020 – Rapid City, SD  DCI Solution is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with AdjustRite and their AdjustRite Plus service for truck and recreational vehicle estimating and total loss valuations.   "This will simplify the total loss claims...

TuSimple Study Finds 10% Fuel Savings for Autonomous Trucks

If you’ve followed the advent of autonomous trucks over the past several years, you know that developers have made several business cases for this emerging technology, including safety, efficiency and enhanced asset use. Now, TuSimple is adding fuel economy to that...

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